Out with the Dirks from Sauk Centre/Pelican Rapids on Monday 1/17

N Hawk Owls
1 at Admiral Road Feeder
1 at McDavitt Rd--2.5 miles N of Sax Rd.
1 at Cranberry Rd (Admiral) intersection with Sax Rd.

Black-backed Woodpecker
McDavitt Rd.--3.4 miles N. of Sax Rd.

N. Goshawk (perched and flying)
McDavitt Rd.--2.7 miles N. of Sax Rd. (found by an Iowa group)

Lake County
Sunday 1/17
The Dirks found a GREAT GRAY OWL on Stoney River Rd 6 miles south of MN 1

Wonderful Pine Grosbeak viewing at Arkola Rd feeders/rib cage
Cooperative Boreal Chickadees at Admiral Road feeder (including WW Crossbills 
on the ground below the feeder)

No luck finding the skittish GGOW on Stone Lake Road in Sax-Zim

Sparky Stensaas 
2515 Garthus Road 
Wrenshall, MN 55797 
218.341.3350 cell 



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