Have looked for Great-tailed Grackles in late March in past years with no 
success until yesterday.  Found a single bird seemingly on a territory in 
Pletz-Klima WMA.  This is on the west side of Hwy 71, 1/2 miles south of 760th 
St.  (Note terrible road driving in.)  There were also 4 migrants in the trees 
at the corner of Hwy 71 and Cty Rd 4 east.  I presume migrants as they don't 
usually nest in this specific area and don't nest in trees.

Also of interest were the 2 Trumpeter Swans in Minneota WMA, 1/2 miles south of 
Cty Rd 4, 1 mile west of State Hwy 71.  One was an adult and the other seemed 
to be a second summer (think that is what you call a bird hatched last summer.) 
 Presumably these are offspring of the Iowa releases although they had no 
obvious bands.  Wonder if they will nest in this location or if there was 
already a 3rd bird on a nest, in the cattails, that we couldn't see.

In other areas found a Winter Wren in Bright Lake Cty Park in Martin County and 
Woodcock were calling at the Minneopa State Park prairie last night.

Dennis and Barbara Martin
Shorewood, MN

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