I watched a Pacific Loon in breeding plumage from Lafayette Square on Park 
Point (30th St.) this morning from 0935-1006. It was seen with two Common Loons 
for direct comparison. Calm conditions on the lake this morning made for 
awesome viewing of loons. While standing in one place near the Sky Harbor 
airport at the Park Point Recreation Area, I counted 63 Red-throated Loons, all 
sitting on the water in small groups. This count is second only to the 117 that 
I counted in Duluth last year on 3 May 2009. Also present along Park Point were 
9 Red-necked Grebes and 1 Western/Clark's Grebe, the latter spotted by Mike 
Hendrickson (we were unable to see the facial pattern with viewing into the 

Karl Bardon

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