Hello everyone,I realize this site is for posting bird sightings but I wanted 
to pass this info on.As you all know, the oil spill has affected the birds of 
the Gulf.  It's easy for us in Minnesota to not really think about it (even if 
we do hear about it in the news every day).  Ted Floyd on the birdchat 
listserve posted the following and I took time to look at the ABA blog. It 
really made the spill seem a lot more real and upsetting. Molly ThompsonDuluth
Hello, BirdChatters.
All of us are up to our ears in news of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 
And if you're like me, you're probably a bit annoyed by the superficial nature 
of the coverage overall.
Well, there's one news outlet that stands far above the others, as far as I'm 
concerned. It's in-depth, it's accurate, and it's credible; it's by a birder, 
and it's for birders. It's Drew Wheelan's blog, being hosted by the American 
Birding Association. Here's the link:
If you went straight to Drew's blog and stopped reading my message, that's 
great. But if you're still with me, please keep reading:
1. Drew's reporting is getting major attention from the national media. He's 
been on the CBC Evening News. He's been on Anderson's Cooper program on CNN. 
Rachel Maddow just blogged about him. 
Here are links:
http://tinyurl.com/299oxrd (AC360 - Anderson Cooper)
http://tinyurl.com/2djmy3o (Rachel Maddow Show)
http://tinyurl.com/2em2mgm (CBS Evening News)

2. Although there are plenty of stories of hard work and heroism, there are 
also some grim accounts of humans behaving badly. 'Execrable' is the only 
neutral term that can be used to describe BP's conduct in this affair. Just 
check out Drew's blog, and see for yourself. Drew's blog lays it out for you, 
straight and honest, about the good guys and the bad guys.
Here's an example: http://tinyurl.com/2cdc4oh. Sadly, there are a lot of bad 
guys in this story, and they're not necessarily who you might think they are. 
And if that doesn't turn your stomach, this surely will: 
3. And there's more to come. My understanding is that Drew is getting ready to 
break some sobering news about the dispersant BP is using in the gulf. Stay 
tuned... Again, it's all here:
Thanks to Drew Wheelan for the very valuable service he's performing down 
there--to the birding community and beyond. 
Ted Floyd
Editor, Birding
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