I visited Jackson and Cottonwood Counties over the weekend.  There  were a 
few flooded fields.  One just SE of Mt. Lake and another SE of Heron  Lake.  
There were several species of shorebirds in each.  More on  Friday, fewer 
on Sunday, after the storm on Saturday night.  Among other  species were
Franklin and ringbill gulls
Lesser yellow-legs
Solitary sp
many peeps
Visited the Wolf Lake Nature Center east of Windom.  Many bobolinks  and 
the resident trumpeter swans, as well as a GB Heron standing on the higher  
cross beam on a high- voltage power tower.
On JC Hwy 17 just north of the Kilen Hills turnoff there was a osprey  
standing on a hay bale in the ditch.  Haying was in full swing throughout  the 
Had a vide report of a pair of red necked grebes on Rat Lake near  Delft.  
There were a few ducks on the lake including ruddy.  
There are wind turbines going up all over eastern Jackson and Cottonwood  
ctys.  Mostly in crop land, not WMA or WPA.  The crews are working out  of 
Jackson and Worthington.
Tony Smith

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