At 2pm Sunday myself and several others observed the Harlequin Duck fly from the area of open water on Blue Lake into the sewage pond to its south. The bird could not be relocated once it landed in the pond. The consensus was that the bird probably spends its time feeding (on fish?) in the open area on Blue Lake during most of the day and spends the night in the warmer water of the sewage pond. If you do go looking for the bird, you might need to check both bodies of water (note that the sewage pond can only be glimpsed from its north side through the fence). Additionally, at some point this bird might even decide to spend some time at the Mill Pond and vicinity at Veterans Memorial Park in Shakopee about two miles to the west along Hwy. 101.

The path leading north from the gate (the so-called hunters' parking lot...see Craig Mandel's post) at the Wilkie Unit is very walkable as the snow has been trampled down. If you park at the main parking lot just to the east and decide to take the longer walk, I'd bring some snowshoes as the snow is very deep and not nicely trampled.

Bob Dunlap

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