I found an adult male Barrow's Goldeneye along the North Shore of Lake Superior 
adjacent to the Lakewood Road, St. Louis County this evening with 124 Common 
Goldeneyes. Since most of Lake Superior was frozen in Duluth, I decided to head 
up the shore a bit to see if birds were concentrated any place else (to which I 
would have to answer yes, since this is a large number of goldeneyes for any 
location along the shore away from town in winter). This may be the same bird 
that has wintered in Duluth the last two winters (2008-2009 and 2009-2010) but 
after what was presumably this same bird returned to Duluth on 12-13 November 
2010 for a third consecutive fall, there had been no subsequent reports...

Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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