This afternoon I went to walk through Gustavus Adolphus College's Coneflower Prairie, a 70-acre grassland making up the western side of the college's Linnaeus Arboretum. Around 2:45 I flushed a bird at very close range from the southern side of the hill in the center of the prairie. The bird was clearly an adult male Smith's Longspur, with vibrant yellow underparts, darker upperparts and wings with bright white median coverts, a bold black-and-white facial pattern, and obvious white outer rectrices. The bird called in flight as well; a rattle somewhat slower and perhaps sweeter than that of Lapland Longspurs, without any "dew" calls given (such calls are characteristic of Laplands). The bird flew one tight circle around the prairie hill and then opted to fly west a few hundred yards, seemingly landing in the farm field across the gravel road to the west of the prairie.

This is the second year in a row that I have found Smith's Longspur in Nicollet County, and nearly on the same date (last year's four birds at the Nicollet WMA were found on April 9 but remained until April 11). The location/habitat of today's bird is strikingly similar to that of last year's birds: very short-length prairie grass (about ankle high right now) and near/at the base of the highest point in the immediate area. Other birds sharing the Coneflower Prairie this afternoon included several Vesper Sparrows, a pair of Horned Larks, and a silent meadowlark.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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