I had to cut all the images from this ad in order to send this to the
MOUlist.  Maybe look for the complete ad on their website if you want, or
click on the browser link (at the top).  It became anti-climatic and it no
longer resembles a business ad, but since I spent so much time with it, I am
trying once more.  



From: G Andersson [mailto:gpanders...@msn.com] 
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 12:19 AM
Subject: conservation message for Christmas shopping 


"the culture of consumption. puts the economy of natural systems that
support all life firmly in the red"

This message from Patagonia come out on Cyber Monday. You might be as
surprised as I was to read this "ad".  ("Don't Buy This Jacket")  

I had heard about Yvon Chouinard, the founder, but didn't know about the
corporation message.  I am not promoting Patagonia. (I have never bought a
prodt. And I deleted the store and other co. info at the bottom of this

 I am giving attention to the effect of consumption on the environment and
the natural world, especially at this time of year.  That would include
birds and us as well.  You have read the facts, you spend time in the
outdoors where you search out other species.  You see the effects of our
consumption around our state and you see and read what is happening around
the world.   

As a birder and conservationist, I often feel like I am in a
counter-culture.  You might feel that as well.  I am gratified that one
company seems to be driven less by profit and more by an honest and informed
concern for the effects of over consumption (buying too much and throwing
away too much).  I do know about the economy and the "need" to spend. .  


but I do wish all of you good birding and a happy Christmas 

Gordon Andersson

St Paul



View email in browser  <http://www.patagonia.com/email/11/112811.html> 


 <http://www.patagonia.com/us/common-threads?src=112811_mi1> [deleted big
picture of a jacket with "Don't Buy This Jacket" in large font]




Today is Cyber Monday. It will likely be the biggest online shopping day
ever. Cyber Monday was created by the National Retail Federation in 2005 to
focus media and public attention on online shopping. But Cyber Monday, and
the culture of consumption it reflects, puts the economy of natural systems
that support all life firmly in the red. We're now using the resources of
one-and-a-half planets on our one and only planet.

Because Patagonia wants to be in business for a good long time - and leave a
world inhabitable for our kids - we want to do the opposite of every other
business today. We ask you to buy less and to reflect before you spend a
dime on this jacket or anything else.

Environmental bankruptcy, as with corporate bankruptcy, can happen very
slowly, then all of a sudden. This is what we face unless we slow down, then
reverse the damage. We're running short on fresh water, topsoil, fisheries,
wetlands - all our planet's natural systems and resources that support
business, and life, including our own.

The environmental cost of everything we make is astonishing. Consider the
R2R Jacket shown, one of our best sellers. To make it required 135 liters of
water, enough to meet the daily needs (three glasses a day) of 45 people.
Its journey from its origin as 60% recycled polyester to our Reno warehouse
generated nearly 20 pounds of carbon dioxide, 24 times the weight of the
finished product. This jacket left behind, on its way to Reno, two-thirds
its weight in waste.

And this is a 60% recycled polyester jacket, knit and sewn to a high
standard; it is exceptionally durable, so you won't have to replace it as
often. And when it comes to the end of its useful life we'll take it back to
recycle into a product of equal value. But, as is true of all the things we
can make and you can buy, this jacket comes with an environmental cost
higher than its price.

There is much to be done and plenty for us all to do. Don't buy what you
don't need. Think twice before you buy anything. Go to
<http://www.patagonia.com/us/common-threads?src=112811_mt1> , take the
Common Threads Initiative pledge and join us in the fifth "R," to reimagine
a world where we take only what nature can replace.

Take the pledge <http://www.patagonia.com/us/common-threads?src=112811_mt2> 






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