Good topic, Al.

I live in a *very* urban area. Between two major thoroughfares. I can throw
a rock from my front yard and hit the firehouse (literally).

Over the course of a year, I may see something good during migration but I
tend to ignore the "yard birds" list because of my urban location and the
fact that I have changed residences far too many times. I have lived in no
less than 4 different homes in the last 10 years, even more as you go back
in time. A long, personal story.

That said, during breeding season, I'll hear or see:

*Chimney swifts
House Sparrows
House Finches
Chipping Sparrows

Occasional *White-breasted Nuthatch* and *Downy woodpecker*.

Used to hear *Nighthawks*, but not as consistent any more (sigh).

In the distance I may see a passing *Great-Blue Heron*, *Bald Eagle* or *Turkey
Vulture*. (I'm not far from the Mississippi River)

Best birds I've seen in my current location (of almost 6 years) - most are

*Magnolia Warbler
Purple Finch
Baltimore Oriole
Red-eyed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Great-Crested Flycatcher
Cedar Waxwings* -come each winter to feast on hackberries for a week or so.
*Gray Catbird* - has come twice for mulberries about this time of year.
*Yellow-Rumped warbler*

In the past (at previous residences), my best yard birds are

Cooper's Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Pileated Woodpecker
Swainson's Thrush

These were urban locations also (within the city limits of St. Paul or
Minneapolis), so the "quality factor" of these sightings, relative to their
location is much higher, IMO.


Jim Ryan
Saint Paul's Westside
One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and
Nature shall not be broken. -* Leo Tolstoy*

A well governed appetite is the greater part of liberty. - *Lucius Annaeus

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:21 AM, Al Schirmacher <>wrote:

> What’s in Your
> Neighborhood?
> I am a birder (sorry, haven’t adjusted to the retro but
> definitive term, “birdwatcher”, again.
> Besides, half of my birds come from hearing, not watching.  But that’s
> another article).
> For me, this means driving to my local refuge (20 miles
> distant), interspersing walks at closer wildlife management areas and
> hiking
> trails, keeping an eye on the backyard, taking occasional state trips, and
> leading a few tours.
> It rarely, however, means a neighborhood walk.
> But times have changed, finances will be tighter during this
> transition period, so a substitutionary neighborhood walk  is, probably,
> necessary.
> So I journeyed out this morning.  I live in a rural development, converted
> agricultural land, lots of 2.5 and 5 acres, limited trees, small marsh
> close by,
> two busy highways converging.  My yard
> list is not too bad (130 species in 8.5 years, much of that due to
> migration),
> particularly considering the largest tree is eight feet tall (an aspen we
> haven’t
> cut down), and our three conifers are 12 inches high.  On Saturday
> mornings in the late spring and
> summer, while journaling at the table, I can hear and see ~25 species, with
> some variety, and some enjoyment (Bobolinks, Eastern Meadowlards, other
> grassland species still persist).
> And that’s what I anticipated.  25 or so species.  Nice, limited, but
> nothing to write home – or you –
> about.
> Never did I anticipate 50 species in a six block
> radius.  Never did I anticipate
> discovering two new ponds off an ATV trail.
> Never did I anticipate:
> ·
> Red-headed Woodpecker
> ·
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
> ·
> Pied-billed Grebe
> ·
> Yellow-throated Vireo
> ·
> Warbling Vireo
> ·
> Belted Kingfisher
> ·
> Northern Rough-winged Swallow
> ·
> American Redstart
> during a non-migratory time.
> Nor did I anticipate that House Sparrow would be the 50th
> species, and no European Starlings would be present.
> So time for a bit of humility.  Time to be a bit more “green”, even if it
> is primarily
> for retrenching purposes.  And time to
> ask the question:
> “What’s in your neighborhood?”
> Al SchirmacherPrinceton, MN
> (Can be electronically shared or reprinted with permission.)
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