Another Mississippi Kite was seen at Hawk Ridge today (16 September), which is 
the third seen from the Ridge this season, and the fifth sighting in Duluth 
this fall. Today's kite was first seen from the main overlook at 4:08 pm, and 
we were able to watch it for an extended period of time- although it 
disappeared several times, the bird was in view off and on for over an hour!, 
with the last sighting at 5:18 pm. The bird repeatedly caught and ate 
dragonflies around us, and on one of its last passes, came directly over the 
main overlook, allowing us to take some identifiable photos. Observers on the 
platform besides myself included Andrew Longtin, Dave Carman, Steve Bockhold, 
Russ Edmonds, and Cory Ritter, but many other observers were able to see the 
kite as well. This sighting follows one seen from the Hawk Ridge main overlook 
on 27 August by Dave Carman and myself, an adult seen by Mike Hendrickson in 
Smithville on 3 September, a juvenile seen and
 photographed from the Paine Farm banding station near Hawk Ridge on 5 
September (about 6 pm) by Cory Ritter and Nova Mackentley, and a juvenile seen 
and photographed at the Hawk Ridge main overlook on 6 September (about 9:52 am) 
by Cory Ritter.

Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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