The last two rain days have given me time off from Hawk Ridge to sort jaeger 
photos taken at Wisconsin Point. It has been an amazing fall for jaegers, with 
five Parasitics showing up on the early date of 13 August, and I have been able 
to see multiple jaegers every subsequent trip through at least 15 September. By 
comparing photos, I have been able to determine that at least 14 Parasitic 
Jaegers have been seen: 3 juveniles, 1 second-cycle and 10 third-cycles. All 
have been light morph except two intermediate juveniles (only one of which was 
photographed) and 1 dark third-cycle. I have not photographed any confirmed 
adults this fall. Amazingly, some of these individuals are still present and 
have stayed here for over a month! Two adult Long-tailed Jaegers have also been 
seen (30 August and 4 September). Although most of the jaeger action occurs on 
Wisconsin Point near lot 1 where thousands of gulls loaf after feeding at the 
adjacent Wisconsin landfill,
 there have been many sightings of Parasitics from Park Point as well. 
Photographs of these birds can be seen at

Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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