It's again that time of year when the MOU Awards & Recognitions Committee is 
beginning to look for nominees to be recognized for their contributions to the 
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union. This annual tradition of recognition takes the 
form of presenting the Thomas S. Roberts, Brother Theodore Voelker, and Young 
Birder awards to the recipients at the MOU Papers Session on December 7, 2013.

- Since 1963, the Thomas S. Roberts Award has traditionally been our lifetime 
achievement award: "For Outstanding Contributions to Minnesota Ornithology or 
Birding", as stated on the plaque. Previous recipients have contributed to the 
MOU in many different ways, which were sometimes not directly related to 
ornithology or birding. (Also note that the policy has been that a person would 
only receive this award once, although apparently nothing specifically has ever 
stated this.) 

- The Brother Theodore Voelker Award is "For Special Achievement in Field 
Ornithology" during the past year, which would be from November 2012 through 
October 2013. The original intent in 1988 was that this recipient's achievement 
would be related to field ornithology in one of three categories: significant 
bird sighting(s); something written (e.g., journal article, book, or technical 
paper); or a field research project. In more recent years, involvements in 
special events, conservation, mentoring, and education have also been included 
in the criteria for this award.

- The Young Birder Award is for someone under 25 years old contributing to 
knowledge of Minnesota birds or to the MOU; as it reads on the plaque: "For 
Contributions to Birding in Minnesota". This is our newest award, presented for 
the first time in 2005.

Please contact me ASAP if you have someone in mind for any of these awards, and 
include his or her qualifications and contributions which you feel would make 
your nominee a worthy recipient. I would like to receive all nominations no 
later than October 25, and the committee thanks you in advance for your 
interest and input in these awards.

Kim R Eckert, Chairman
MOU Awards and Recognition Committee
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