Because there have been no mou-net reports of the Le Sueur Co Rufous 
Hummingbird for 3 weeks, I think it's worth reporting that the bird is still 
visiting Mary & Steve Nesgoda's feeders at 30627 Pumpkin Hill Rd just N of Le 
Sueur. A Minn Birding Weekends group stopped by to see it yesterday afternoon, 
at which time the Nesgodas were also presented with a MOU Certificate of 
Appreciation. Three previous certificates this year have been presented to 
those who hosted visiting birders: Janet Anderson (Lewis's Woodpecker), the 
City of Herman (Black-necked Stilt nesting pair), and Jason Olson (Wood Stork).

Otherwise, the MBW found the birding to be generally slow in 
Murray-Pipestone-Rock counties this past weekend, Oct 17-18-19, with hardly any 
migration in evidence. About the only birds of note were: Cackling Geese at 2 
locations, a lone Gray Partridge (just W of L Shetek, Murray Co), Red-bellied 
Woodpecker (Edgerton, Pipestone Co), Northern Shrike (Blue Mounds State Park), 
and some large Com Grackle numbers (one Rock Co flock was estimated to have 
10,000+ individuals). 

But especially conspicuous by their absence were ducks (only 10 species), 
raptors (4 species), shorebirds (5 species), and no sightings of any swallows, 
wrens, thrushes (except a few bluebirds and robins), longspurs, or warblers 
(not even a Yellow-rumped!).  

Kim R Eckert, Duluth

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