My friends Travis and Alyssa and I went to Sax-zim bog yesterday and had a 
wonderful time. We saw two great gray owls on Admiral Road moving up and down 
the road and one on Overton road later in the day.  A magpie was spotted early 
on by Alyssa but I never really got a good look at it..  We saw a flock of 
twenty or so pine siskins on 133 near Cotton.  We saw redpoles on several 
occasions including at the Welcome center.  At the feeders on CR 444 we saw 
purple finch, evening grosbeaks and redpoles. At the feeders on Admiral road we 
saw plenty of Gray Jays and black capped chickadees  but never saw any boreals 
and we came back there one more time.  We saw no northern hawk owls and at the 
welcome center we were told that there had only been one spotted recently.  We 
didn’t see any crossbills or Pine Grosbeaks which was a disappointment to me.  
I later saw a posting that the the crossbills had been seen in Meadowlands.  I 
have some photos on my flickr account . Here is the link
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.
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