It was another wonderful morning out at the Dam on the Coon Rapids Side. The 
redheads and the lesser scaup were still there and in increasing numbers but 
still not a lot.  I saw more buffleheads and goldeneye.  My friend Larry saw 
some ruddy ducks but they weren’t in the area that I was walking. I also saw my 
first bluebirds of the season. There was a pair by the walkway that hung around 
for quite a while.  We saw six or seven trumpeter swans a couple of bald 
eagles, more Canada Geese, and even more cedar waxwings.  There were at least 
20 hooded mergansers on the BP side of the river, thanks to a tip from another 
birder with a scope. There was a young man flying a drone near the channel.  He 
said that he had the sense to keep it way from nests so I was happy about that. 
Here is a link to some photos. 

Ron Taube
Coon Rapids  
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