My wife Carolyn and I just came back from two days in Duluth and at the Sax-Zim 
bog and I want to first of all thank Clinton Nienhaus for all of his help. We 
were originally going to the bog with him on Friday for a Raptor hunt but he 
changed it to going raptor hunting in and around Duluth.  As it turned out this 
worked out great. I exchanged some emails with him asking about what was good 
to see and he told me where to find some black billed Magpies eating on a deer 
carcass.  We found the carcass along cr 133 near the meadowlands and saw 
several Magpies there eating on the deer.  We also found the Boreal chickadee 
gray jays and a porcupine along MacDavid road, not the one earlier reported on 
owl avenue. No we did not get a Great Gray Owl but i got one in December so I’m 
satisfied with that for now. We also saw Redpolls, pine siskins. and two 
roughed grouse but I did not see any sharp tailed grouse.  i think we arrived 
at the Lek too late.  I looked for the black backed woodpecker along the 
logging trail but it turned out that I was at the wrong end of the trail. Maybe 
next time. Today we joined Clinton as we toured  canal park several areas 
around Duluth then into superior.  We saw three peregrine falcons, a rough 
legged hawk, four bald eagles, a red tailed hawk.  We did not see any snowy 
owls or the gyrfalcon but I got the gray one last time i was up there. I also 
saw a Glaucous gull around sunrise. There were few gulls in canal park today.  
The highlight for me were the Magpies. This was my best shot at seeing them 
close and photographing them. Here are some photos and a video from the trip in 
my Flickr page.
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids
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