Esther Gesick, Paul Egeland and I spent Monday and Tuesday birding Chippewa and 
a portion of Lac Qui Parle counties. Some highlights :

One Henslow's Sparrow at the Gneiss Outcrops SNA heard on Tuesday.

At least five different Eastern Whip-poor-wills in the extreme southeast corner 
of Chippewa county along CR 40 singing late Monday night. 

Unexpected Wood Thrush and Scarlet Tanager in the same area Tuesday morning.

The only shorebirds we found were at the southern end of Lac Qui Parle lake 
near the dam. Willet, White-rumped, Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers were 
present but little else of note. Water levels were high with no other mudflats 
that we could find. 

Marbled Godwits, Upland Sandpipers and Grasshopper Sparrows at The Nature 
Conservancy Chippewa Prairie just south of Appleton. 

A single Prothonotary Warbler was seen at Lac Qui Parle State Park from the 
hiking trail along the backwater that rings most of the lower campground on 

Apologies for the late post.

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