The osprey nest on top of one of the baseball light fixtures in Central
Park is occupied.  Yesterday afternoon we observed a pair sitting on top of
it; then one of the birds flew off and came back shortly thereafter with a
small fish in its mouth which it fed to something deeper down in the
nest--presumably fledglings?

Other birds seen while walking through the park and the boardwalk at the
Harriet Alexander N.C.:

Yellow-rumped warblers (numerous-in several places--seen and heard by call)
Eastern phoebe (a pair--they regularly nest in the park)
Ruby-crowned kinglet (several in different places around the park)
Song sparrows
Gt. White Egret (1)
Blue-winged teal (1 pair)
Hermit thrush (1)
Turkey vultures (2, circling)

And of course, there the "regulars"--red-winged blackbirds, Canada geese
(observed several sitting on nests), mallards, wood ducks, A.goldfinches,

Susanne Nevin
St. Paul

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