Today will go down as one of my most memorable spring days.  I was at Rapids 
Lake for 6.5 hours this morning and I needed all that time.   If the river 
trail was not flooded and impassable at either end still,  I would have needed 
at least an additional 3-4 hours to adequately cover the area.   I covered on 
and off trail areas south of Rapids Lake and on and off trail areas west of 
Rapids Lake.    For the morning I saw 23 warbler species, 5 flycatcher species, 
3 vireo species, 6 thrush species(including Bluebird and Robin), and 13 sparrow 
species.    My first of spring Scarlet Tanagers had also arrived this morning.  
  A lot of warbler numbers for varying species were very high for me this early 
in May.    The best warbler of the morning were the 2 Cerulean Warbler, the 
first I've seen in Carver County since 2015. The only warbler species that I 
have already seen this year but not today were Louisiana Waterthrush and Cape 
May Warbler(seen earlier this week at Carver Park).  Any others that I did not 
see today, I have not yet seen this year.      For detailed counts and notes 
you can check the MOU database or Ebird.

John Cyrus

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