The Minnesota Birding Weekends (MBW) trip this weekend, May 25-26-27-28, 
included parts of Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake (and a bit of Polk) 
counties. Despite the heat (mid 80s to low 90s each day) and the relative 
absence of passerine migration (only 14 warbler species in all), our four-day 
composite species total was 181, just a bit below average for this MBW. Among 
the highlights…

- Snow Goose: late-lingering birds 25 May in Red Lake Co and 26 May in Kittson 

- Cinnamon Teal, 28 May, on both the Marshall & Polk sides of the Agassiz 
impoundment, along the 280th Ave levee road (found 27 May by Hollie Chesney). 

- Greater Prairie-Chicken: 6-7 males displaying on 25 May in SW Red Lake Co, at 
the corner of 120th Ave & 260th St (the only known lek in the county?); plus 
Sharp-tailed Grouse at various locations in Marshall and Polk counties. 

- Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 25 May, Old Crossing Treaty Wayside, along Red Lake CR 
104; plus a few Black-billeds at various locations.

- 23 shorebird species total: including American Avocet, Hudsonian Godwit, 
Willet, and 14 other species on 25 May at the rice paddies along 350th Ave, 
just N of 150th St, in the extreme NE corner of Red Lake Co; also seen were 
Whimbrels on 27 May at the large gravel pit ponds at the corner of 110th Ave & 
270th St in SW Red Lake Co (found by Barb & Denny Martin).   

- Peregrine Falcon, 28 May, Warren sewage ponds (Marshall Co). 

- Nelson’s Sparrow, 27 May, Agassiz NWR (Marshall Co): singing male along 200th 
Ave, 0.6 mi N of 320th St, on the W edge of Pool 8; also several LeConte’s at 
various locations.  

Kim Eckert, Duluth MN

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