Who: Dr. Jonathan Losos, Danforth Distinguished Professor, Washington
What: U of M Annual Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Kolshorn
Where: Bell Museum, 2088 Larpenteur Ave W., St Paul, MN 55113
When: Thursday, Sep. 20, 6:30 PM

This public lecture will explore the fascinating questions about life on
earth including: Are the plants and animals that exist today, and we humans
ourselves, predictable inevitabilities? Or are they historical flukes - the
happy, but improbable, result of the particular chain of events that
occurred over Earth’s history? Come hear Dr. Losos reveal what the latest
breakthroughs in biology say about one of the greatest ongoing debates in
science: Is the history of life on earth predictable?

Alumni Awards ceremony will be held prior to the lecture at 6 PM.
A book signing for Dr. Losos’ latest book, “Improbable Destinies” will
follow the lecture.
Paid public parking at the Bell Museum, *admission fee not required* for
the lecture.

You are also welcome to attend Dr. Losos’ Research talk: Friday, Sep 21,
Noon, 495 Hodson, "Experimental Studies in Evolution:Research on Lizard
Adaptation in the Bahamas."

For more information please contact the Bell Museum at 612-626-9660 or

Bob Dunlap

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