The MBW website ( <>) was updated today, 
December 3, with the registration status of all the Minnesota Birding Weeks & 
Weekends (MBWs) for the upcoming 2019-2020 season. (The new schedule and 
complete descriptions of these MBWs were published on November 25.)

Although most MBWs filled during the first week of registrations, please note 
that it may be possible to schedule additional leaders or extra MBWs to 
accommodate extra persons for some of the MBWs which are currently filled with 
long waiting lists. These additions will be posted in future updates of this 
website as they occur.

As of December 1, also note that the e-mailed registrations are now accepted at 
any time of day (from Nov. 26 through Nov. 30, they were not accepted until 
12:00 noon); the limit of one registration per person per day continues. See 
<> for additional information on 
the MBW registration procedure. 

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Kim R Eckert
218 349 5953 <> <> 

Please note: MBWs are offered in association with the MOU; we were originally 
known as MOU Birding Weekends when we started in 1986. MBW participants are 
still expected to be members of MOU (see 
<>), which receives a portion of MBW receipts in 
return for these updates on mou-net and in the newsletter.

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