The annual supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s (AOS) Check-list 
of North American Birds has been published for 2019, and the American Birding 
Association (ABA) has a helpful and easier-to-read summary of it on their blog 

According to the ABA’s summary, there are no lumps or splits affecting the 
Minnesota checklist. (Although there was a three-way split in White-winged 
Scoter, the only one which normally occurs in Minnesota and most of North 
America is still the White-winged.) And only one English name was changed: 
Common Ground-Dove loses its hyphen to become Common Ground Dove.

But there are now changes in the sequence of some species groups on the 
Minnesota list: 

• Groove-billed Ani now precedes Yellow-billed and Black-billed cuckoos;

• The sequence of plovers becomes Black-bellied, American Golden-, Killdeer, 
Semipalmated, Piping, Wilson’s, and Snowy;

• The swallows sequence becomes Bank, Tree, Violet-green, Northern 
Rough-winged, Purple Martin, Barn, and Cliff;

• And the sparrows sequence changes to Grasshopper, Black-throated, Lark, Lark 
Bunting, Chipping, Clay-colored, Field, Brewer’s, Fox, American Tree, Dark-eyed 
Junco, White-crowned, Golden-crowned, Harris’s, White-throated, Vesper, 
LeConte’s, Nelson’s, Baird’s, Henslow’s, Savannah, Song, Lincoln’s, Swamp, 
Green-tailed Towhee, Spotted Towhee, and Eastern Towhee.

In addition, Tennessee, Orange-crowned, and Nashville warblers have been moved 
from the genus Oreothlypis to the new genus Leiothlypis. 

Kim Eckert
Duluth MN    
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