My wife had an unfortunate experience with what I believe was a Northern 
Saw-whet Owl on Friday morning. On the entrance ramp to highway 7 east from 
Mill Road (or Powers Blvd) she spotted a tiny owl sitting on the side of the 
ramp. Concerned that it was a fledgling or injured owl, she stopped a short 
distance away and put her flashers on . She stayed away from it and called me 
to ask what to do, when someone else stopped, so she said she'd call back. 
Apparently the man stepped out of his car and walked right over to the owl , 
which spooked  and it flew right into a van on the westbound side of hwy 7, 
killing it. The man apologized and left, and my wife was distraught. I told her 
even if she would have tried to shoo it away from the road, it may still have 
flown into traffic. From her very detailed description, and showing her 
pictures of our local owls,  I believe it was a Northern Saw-whet Owl. The 
section of hwy 7 where it was hit is not easily accessible to pedestrian 
traffic, so I haven't looked for it yet to confirm.

On a more positive note, I spotted my FOY Song Sparrow at Rice Marsh Lake in 
Chanhassen yesterday. We also watched a Red-shouldered Hawk devour a small 
mammal on a deadfall behind our home yesterday.

Paul Worwa

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