Ahh.... SPRING! Standing on my back porch counting birds. So much
happening I am having a hard time getting anything done. 30 species
counted. All kinds of new stuff showing up.
Neat stuff:
- A pair of courting loons on Carlson Lake, a block away, are the talk of
the neighborhood. Habitat isn't right. They should be moving on.
- Copulating Red-shouldered Hawks
- Chickadees checking out nest boxes
- Wood ducks in the trees
- 50+ Am. White Pelicans silently gliding overhead heading north.

Flowers are beginning to bloom: crocus, snowdrops, Siberian Squill, Aspen

Insects and bugs are showing up.
First insect of the spring (about a week ago): Marsh fly (?) with
geniculated (bent) antenna
Yellow jackets for several days
first moth (small unidentified) last night
first dragonfly - looked like a green darner (yesterday)
Mourning cloak butterfly (yesterday)
First tick (Saturday)

Northern leopard frog and painted turtle seen.

Hopefully, I will escape the yard today.
Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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