On 06/07/11 02:15, Lyle Kopnicky wrote:
OK, thanks. It would be nice to get an error at the level of the sugar instead of the desugared version. (I think I just volunteered myself. :)

I had originally used this constraint instead:

   Item1*Item2*Item3*Item4 div 1000000 =: 711

No errors, but the answer I get is:

    [sol(_{1#708} _{1#708} _{1#708} _{1#708})]

Dear Lyle,

A quick response that might help (I don't have time to look at it in detail):

The equation Item1*Item2*Item3*Item4 div 1000000 =: 711 is not a constraint in the FD library, so it is decomposed into library constraints. This introduces temporary variables! The problem is that these variables are standard unbound variables. They must be FD variables, otherwise constraints using them will block (that is, wait until they become FD variables, which never happens!).

The upshot is that you should only call constraints in the FD library and you have to declare all variables in the problem as FD variables. Don't let the compiler decompose constraint expressions!


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