note: Early registration deadline is August 18.

                      Call for Participation

             21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on
                   Automated Software Engineering
                            (ASE 2006)

                       September 18-22, 2006
                           Tokyo, JAPAN

         ---------------- Important Dates -----------------
         Early registration deadline:    August 18, 2006
         On-line registration deadline:  September 6, 2006
         Accommodation booking deadline: September 1, 2006

         ------------------ Registration ------------------
          On-line registration is available at


The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering (ASE 2006) brings together researchers and practitioners
to share ideas on the foundations, techniques, tools, and applications
of automated software engineering technology.

ASE 2006 includes
  * three keynote speeches by Kokichi Futatsugi, Sebastian Thrun, and
    Sriram K. Rajamani,
  * selected 39 technical paper presentations (full: 22, short: 17)
    and 9 tool demonstrations,
  * four half-day tutorials by Willem Visser, Stephan Diehl,
    Cyrille Artho, Sophie Ramel, and Michael Schmitt,
  * four pre-workshops, two mini-tutorials, a panel discussion, and
    a doctoral symposium.

|           Keynotes           |

 1. Verifying Specifications with Proof Scores in CafeOBJ
      Kokichi Futatsugi
      Graduate School of Information Science, 
      JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

 2. Winning the DARPA Grand Challenge: A Robot Race through the Mojave
      Sebastian Thrun
      Computer Science Department, Stanford University, 

 3. Automatic property checking for software: past, present and future
      Sriram K. Rajamani
      Microsoft Research India

See for more details.

|      Technical Program       |

The technical program includes 22 full papers, 17 short papers, and 9
tool demonstrations on topics such as Modeling and Synthesis,
Architecture, Testing, Traceability, Analysis, Management, and Mining
Software Repositories. See
for more details.

|      Half-day Tutorials      |

 1. Java PathFinder 4 - A Java Analysis Tool
      Willem Visser
      RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center

 2. Visualizing the Structure, Behavior and Evolution of Software
      Stephan Diehl
      Computer Science, University Trier, Germany

 3. Model Checking Networked Programs
      Cyrille Artho
      National Institute of Informatics, Japan

 4. Automated software verification and validation: an integrated
    methodology for the development of complex B2B transactions
      Sophie Ramel & Michael Schmitt
      Centre for IT Innovation (CITI)
      Public Research Center Henri Tudor, Luxembourg

All the tutorials are held on September 19. See
for more details.

|           Workshops          |

 1. Second Asian Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development

 2. Second Workshop on Supporting Knowledge Collaboration in Software
    Development (KCSD)

 3. Japanese Workshop on Leveraging Web2.0 Technologies in Software
    Development Environments (WebSDE)

 4. Japanese Workshop on Requirements Engineering Tools (JWRET)

All the workshops are held on September 19. Also See .

|   Mini-Tutorials and Panel   |

Two mini-tutorials and a panel discussion are also held. The details
will be announced at .

|      Doctoral Symposium      |

The doctoral symposium includes 6 presentations by students. See
for more details. 

 Note: The symposium is closed to public. Only students and
       symposium committee will attend.

| Travel Support for Students  |

Students who are participating with accepted papers (including
Doctoral Symposium papers) are eligible to apply for travel funding
from SIGSOFT's CAPS program. Full details are available at .

|   Conference Organization    |

General Chair
  Shinichi Honiden  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan

Program Co-Chairs
  Sebastian Uchitel  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Imperial College London, UK

  Steve Easterbrook  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  University of Toronto, Canada

|           Contact            |

For further information, please visit the conference website
or contact the ASE 2006 office: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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