Mary Aranda Cabezas wrote:
> Hello and thanks to help me!
> The question that I do next I’ve done in the forum and some of the
> received suggestions I’m using now.
> It's correct to measure the time as shows script, that is to say, I want
> to measure the time used in finding the solution.
> In the script I calculate (T0.user + T0.system) and (T1.user +
> T1.system). Then, the idea is to calculate the total time required to
> find a solution of the following form:
> (T0.user + T0.system) - (T1.user + T1.system)
> functor
> import
>    Open
>    Search
>    FD
>    Application
>    Property
>    OS
> define
>    ArchivoSalida = 'Salida.txt'  
>    Solution  
>    T0
>    T1
>    proc {EscribeArchivo Arc}
>       H={New Open.file init(name:Arc flags:[write text create
> truncate])}   
>    in
>       {H write(vs:{Value.toVirtualString Solution 1000 1000}#'\n')}
>       {H write(vs:(T0.user+T0.system)#'\n')}
>       {H write(vs:(T1.user+T1.system)#'\n')}
>       {H close}
>    end
>    proc {Robert Root}
>       D O N A L G E R B T    
>    in     
>       Root = sol(d:D o:O n:N a:A l:L g:G e:E r:R b:B t:T)
>       Root:::0#9
>       {FD.distinct Root}
>       D \=: 0
>       G \=: 0
>       100000*D + 10000*O + 1000*N + 100*A + 10*L + D
>       +            100000*G + 10000*E + 1000*R + 100*A + 10*L + D
>       =:           100000*R + 10000*O + 1000*B + 100*E + 10*R + T
>       {FD.distribute naive Root}
>    end
> in
>    T0 = {Property.get time}
>    Solution={List.last { Robert}}
>    T1 = {Property.get time}  
>    {EscribeArchivo ArchivoSalida}
>    {Application.exit 0}
> end
> Any suggestion or commentary will be welcome
> Greetings!
> Mary
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> <*>

when i try to feed buffer from last script show above, a exeption arise
and this it is:

%************************* expansion error **********************
%** illegal use of nesting marker
%** in file
line 2, column 0
%** ------------------ rejected (1 error)

why show me this expansion error?

thanks for the answer

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