hi everyone

i'm new on constrain programing

and my english is very bas, thus excusme

i want to search a solution of a timetabling problem, the particular
model is attach with this mail.


i have this script:

    proc {Safe C}
       {FD.tuple code 9 1#9 C}
       {FD.distinct C}
       C.1 + C.4 =: C.7
       C.1 * C.2 * C.3 =: C.8 + C.9
       C.2 + C.3 + C.6 <: C.8
       C.9 <: C.8
       {For 1 9 1 proc {$ I} C.I \=: I end}
       {FD.distribute ff C}

proc {Salas X}
   {FD.tuple var 27 0#1 X}
   X.1 + X.4 + X.7 =<: 1
   X.11 + X.14 + X.17 =<: 1
   X.21 + X.24 + X.27 =<: 1
   X.1 + X.10 + X.19 + X.2 + X.11 + X.20 + X.3 + X.12 + X.21 =: 2
   X.4 + X.13 + X.22 + X.5 + X.14 + X.23 + X.6 + X.15 + X.24 =: 2
   X.7 + X.16 + X.25 + X.8 + X.17 + X.26 + X.9 + X.18 + X.27 =: 2
   {FD.distribute ff X}

but i want a variable this tipe, Xmwl, where m is roms, w subject an l
periods, how can i have this tipe of variables, where the model is attach

tank for answer

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