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Abstract submission deadline: September 5th, 2006.

    *              FINAL CALL FOR TUTORIAL PAPERS                 *
    *                                                             *
    *                5th International Symposium on               *
    *           Formal Methods for Objects and Components         *
    *                          FMCO 2006                          *
    *                   7 - 10 November 2006                      *
    *              CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands                *
    *                                                             *
    *              http://fmco.liacs.nl/fmco06.html               *
    *                                                             *

The FMCO symposium is an annual international event on the application and
development of formal methods in software engineering, with a special
focus on component-based and object-oriented software systems. We invite
submissions of tutorial papers on topics that fit under that rubric.
Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include:
  - models and logics for object-oriented and component-based systems;
  - formal aspects of analysis of large systems;
  - prediction, analysis and monitoring of extra-functional properties;
  - applications of modal logics, temporal logics and model checking
    for the specification and verification of object-oriented languages;
  - type systems and type theory for objects and components;
  - probabilistic systems, process calculi, and semantics of object
    and component oriented languages;
  - reasoning about security, trustworthiness and dependability of
    component-based systems.

Important Dates
Authors are invited to submit a title and a short abstract of one or two
pages providing a tutorial perspective on research results or experiences
related to the topics above.  Accepted abstracts will be presented at the
symposium and an extended tutorial paper of about 20 pages in LNCS style
will be refereed  and eventually published together with the contributions
of the keynote speakers after the symposium, in a proceeding of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science by Springer-Verlag. Selected papers will be
published in revised and  extended version in the Elsevier journal
Theoretical Computer Science.

     Title and short abstract due:   5 September   2006
     Abstract notification:          1 October     2006
     Symposium:                      7-10 November 2006

     Tutorial paper due:             28 February    2007
     Paper notification:             15 April       2007
     Camera-ready paper due:         15 May         2007

The short abstracts must be in English and provide sufficient details to
allow the organizing committee and the advisory board assessing the
potential merits of the related tutorial papers. One author of each
accepted abstract will be expected to present the tutorial at the
symposium. The tutorial papers must be unpublished and not submitted for
publication, but may contain previously published material.
Short abstracts and tutorial papers must be submitted  electronically to
F.S. de Boer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or M.M. Bonsangue ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

The symposium is a four days event organised to provide an atmosphere that
fosters collaborative work, discussions and interactions. Lectures are
given by the keynote speakers listed below and by authors of accepted

Keynote speakers and advisory board
  Gul Agha (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  Sophia Drossopoulou (Imperial College, UK)
  Radu Iosif (Verimag, FR)
  Thierry Jeron  (INRIA Rennes, FR)
  Erik Meijer, (Microsoft research, USA)
  Jayadev Misra (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
  Vijay A. Saraswat (IBM Research, USA)
  Vladimiro Sassone (University of Southampton, UK)
  Jan Tretmans (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)
  Moshe Vardi (Rice University, USA)
  Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Organizing committee
  F. S. de Boer (CWI and LIACS-Leiden University)
  M. M. Bonsangue (LIACS-Leiden University)
  S. Graf (Verimag)
  W.-P. de Roever (Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel)

The symposium is sponsored by NWO, CWI, and LIACS.

 For more information about the symposium see the FMCO site above or consult 
   either F.S. de Boer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or M.M. Bonsangue ([EMAIL 

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