Frank Hecker wrote:
Thawte SSL123:

This service requires generating a CSR with at least CN, coutry, and state filled in; CN is used for the server domain name.

It seems (not that it's important) that there's no checking of the Country and State values you give?

Go Daddy TurboSSL:

that Go Daddy (unlike Thawte) requires entering your verification code (or whatever it's called) that's printed on the physical card, a nice touch.

Well, it makes it less likely a stolen card number can be used - you need the card, or access to a database with the verification code.

Cert approval was fairly quick; I was emailed a ZIP file containing the issued cert, an intermediate CA cert required for proper chaining, and installation instructions for a variety of web servers. I installed the certs into Apache, and you can see the results at

</me visits domain and inspects cert>

Blimey, our cert examination UI sucks rocks. <sigh>

This whole situation is an disaster waiting to happen, isn't it? The only reason phishers aren't exploiting this is because they don't need to yet - there's enough dumb people out there who are happy to type all their details into an insecure form.

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