
On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 08:45 -0500, sudip shrestha wrote:
> I am using netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool and found that after a
> while tomcat (5.5.7) server would stop responding to any pages/actions
> that have to deal with ldap functions...can't even do printPool().  I
> checked all other stuffs regarding the website, any other pages or
> actions regarding the datbase or other stuffs work just fine, it is
> just the ldap related pages such as login...which would just seem to
> get hung up... 
> If anybody has any experience using this ConnectionPool in production
> environment, please let me know. Any suggestions would be helpful.

We recently moved our LDAP servers behind a firewall and began
experiencing similar behavior.  The problem ended up being caused by the
firewall timing out TCP connections after an hour of inactivity.  The
pool would try to reuse the closed connections, giving us the same
behavior you described.  We just disabled the TCP timouts on the
firewall, because it was also conflicting with the database connection


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