Bamm Gabriana wrote:

>> _might_ be the next iteration of the website.
>>At least that's what the developers (mainly fantasai and I) hope.
>>It has a lot of advantages (low entry barrier, community features like
>>discussion, ...) and a few disadvantages (lack of CVS blame and version
>>control, at least for the moment).
>>It works on a Zope server with a CMF and the Plone portal installed. We
>>are just customizing it for
> Really cool site, and *really* cool source (no tables!)... it would be nice
> if you put in more code that works only in Mozilla but not in IE, such as
> the css-only-and-no-javascript cascading menus.

We are still working on the usability, so cool stuff comes later.

> On the other hand the site should still look good in IE (even without the
> cool effects) otherwise it might put off prospective converts. Currently,
> hovering over the main buttons on top do not look good in IE and
> makes it look like an amateurish site to those that don't have the
> luxury of viewing it in Mozilla - it becomes white and stays that way
> for a few seconds even if the mouse has been removed.

Yes we know it works _well_ only in Mozilla, it works in IE (though 
doesn't look as good), and NS4 is a near disaster. Hopefully we'll get 
to that problem pretty soon, but the usability (being able to add/edit 
content, etc..) is currently the priority.

> I guess this is like of reverse-evangelization. We tend to forget (including
> me) that there are people who view our sites that aren't lucky enough to
> be using Moz.

Not forgotten... just not top-priority right now.



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