Richard Fleming wrote:

>> Most contributions would probably be welcomed, but if you 
>> want to help, you're going to have to be very much 
>> "self-starting" (also self-managing, and you'll have to 
>> prompt people to review/use your documentation). What kind 
>> of documentation do you want to write?  Were you thinking 
>> of code documentation? Writing for the Mozilla user help 
>> system? Check bugzilla for bugs in the documentation area 
>> and see if you could help with any of them.
> Well, I've also received an email from the owner of the Help 
> Systems module. It appears that there are no documentation 
> writers for Mozilla. All of them once working for Netscape, 
> but no longer. Sad really.
> What I was hoping to contribute to was the core user 
> documentation for Mozilla. Since light has been shed that 
> there are no tech writers of any kind (at least on Mozilla), 
> depending on the situation it might appear that a 
> documentation module would have to be started up to address 
> all of the documentation issues for all of the 
> products.

There is a documentation module (at least in bugzilla). You may 
want to take a look at,new,assigned,reopened

Grab yourself a few and work on them :-)

> A core documentation team is created.  Their responsibility 
> is for creating style sheets, keeping glossaries of terms, 
> and in general things that are common across all platforms 
> and all product streams.
> Using these guidelines created by the core group, individual 
> product streams emerge for released versions of Camino, 
> Mozilla, Firebird, Thunderbird, etc.  This way, all 
> documentation has the same look, the same feel as the rest, 
> making it easier for sys admins, and end users alike to read 
> the different product docs.

In my experience with a volunteer projects it is probably best 
to work on a prototype first and then ask others for help and 
contributions. Without that people will focus too much on 
administrative stuff instead of real documentation.

> I don't know if mozilla has a marketing dept., but if so, the 
> two would have to work together on issues of trademarks, and 
> other corporate branding issues.

Yes, we have a marketing module, but as I said before: Work on a  
prototype first and then talk with some marketing people. It will 
help you focus on the real important tasks first.

Simon Paquet - Simon's Mozilla Blog

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