Søren Andersen wrote:
> I couldn't code C++ for my life, but my english is very good, and my
> Danish is even better, as I am a native...
> So, if the Mozilla project needs somebody to, e.g., translate support
> documents from English to Danish, I would be happy to help.

I never know where to redirect people for writing new docs,
but if you want to translate--and we do need translators--
I know a few places to look. :)

The Mozilla Localization Project translates the actual
program itself. If you want to get involved with that,
contact the Danish translation team -- their info is
listed on 

If you want to translate documentation, I'd start with the
Mozilla 1.5 Start Page
and pick documents linked off there.

Most mozilla.org pages are wrapped; you need to translate
a copy of the unwrapped source. To get that, click on the
Edit This Page link at the bottom and copy the source from
the textarea into an empty text file.

I recommend checking with the MLP Danish translators to
see if there's already a site for Danish documentation
translations. If there isn't, email me and I'll see if
we can host it on mozilla.org.

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