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Just updated the how to find previous reported bugs page for the new (actually, old) query layout: http://www.mozilla.org/webtools/bonsai/cvsview2.cgi?diff_mode=context&whitespace_mode=show&file=beginning-duplicate-finding.html&branch=&root=/cvsroot&subdir=mozilla-org/html/quality/help&command=DIFF_FRAMESET&rev1=1.6&rev2=1.7

Other changes I want to do:

The Mozilla developers want to hear about every specific and
reproducible bug that happens when you use Mozilla, but it does not
help to have the same bug reported many times. You can help to get
more bugs fixed faster by checking the Bugzilla database before
submitting your bug report, and not creating a duplicate report if
the bug you found has been reported already.

This page should also be targeted to new QAs who would like to improve their bug query skills:

If you are:

*A bug reporter* : The Mozilla developers want to hear about every specific, reproducible bug you find, but having the same bug reported many times does not help. You can help to get bugs fixed faster by checking the Bugzilla database before submitting your bug report, thus avoiding duplicate reports. This article shows you know.

*A QA contributor* : Effective search skill can save valuable time tracking down the bugs you would like to find. This article show you tips to improve your bug search skills.

If you find that the problem you identified has already been
reported, do not report it again, but if you have something useful
to contribute, please do add a comment to the existing report.

If you find that the problem has already been reported, do not report it again. However, if you have something useful to contribute, please do add a comment to the existing report.

should there be <em> around "useful"?

Doing the Query

The Bugzilla Query Form looks dauntingly complex - it is complex and
powerful - ...

I would like to remove the left margin. I think <dd> is mis-used here.

But if you're using a milestone build,

This page should be targeted to new users who may not know terminologies used in mozilla.org. We should use something other than "milestone", but I can't think of an alternative now.

The Status field is set by default to find NEW, ASSIGNED, and REOPENED
bugs—the unfixed bugs. But if you're using a milestone build, you
should add RESOLVED and maybe VERIFIED (use Ctrl-click on MS-Windows,
Command-click on MacOS), especially if the milestone is a few weeks
old, since many bugs will have been fixed since your build was released.

In my experience, it is better to change Resolution field than Status field. But for new users, Status might be easier.

We should expand this paragraph to:


This field is set by default to find NEW, ASSIGNED, and REOPENED bugs—the unfixed bugs. If you are using a non-development build, you should add RESOLVED and VERIFIED, since many bugs will have been fixed since your build was released (to select multiple items, use Ctrl-click on Windows and Linux, and Command-click on Mac).

*Tip*: The *Resolution* field can sometimes be more helpful. For example, if you want to search for both fixed and open bugs using the status field, you practically need to check all status items, and the results may include many irrelevent INVALID and WONTFIX bugs. You can do this easily by matching for --- and FIXED resolution.

Note if Status and Resolution are both set, they may interfere with each other. Normally it is safe to clear the Status field and set Resolution only. To clear an item, press Shift and click the item.

Resolution Use

--- Open bugs, including UNCONFIRMED, NEW, ASSIGNED, and REOPENED

DUPLICATE  Useful if cannot find the relevant open bug, but you
           know/suspect that many users have experienced it and have
           reported it many times.

WONTFIX    Useful if your bug is an enhancement and you want to find out
           if it has already been decided not to be done.

WORKSFORME These are normally useful only for special cases.

In the Product field, you should use:

This should be moved before Status because in the current layout it appears before Status.

We should add Tech Evangelism:

Tech Evangelism: If you are experiencing problem with a Web site, it may be because the site uses proprietary technologies specific to certain browsers, contains code error, and un-intentionally blocks out new browsers released after the site goes online. The Tech Evangelism tracks site issues that are not software problems. Use the URL field in combination with this product.

Enter a word or short phrase that identifies the problem you saw as
uniquely as possible in the Summary field. Examples: view source,
auto proxy, drag drop, png image. If you enter more than one word and
they are not a phrase, change the type of matching for the Summary
field from contains the string  to contains all of the words/strings
or contains any of the words/strings, as appropriate (just to the left
of the text-entry field).

Enter a word or short phrase that identifies the problem. The search pattern should be as unique as possible. Examples:...

Don't use the Keywords field without first clicking on the word
<a>Keywords</a>: you can't type just anything in there. If you try to use
this for keywords that are not on the list, it won't work, but some
of the defined keywords may be useful to narrow down your search.

Only certain terms are allowed in this field. You should check with <a>keyword list</a> if you want to use it. Keywords can be helpful for certain bugs:

crash - for software or system crash
hang  - for problem where the software becomes unresponsive
        temporarily or permenantly
4xp   - for features in Netscape 4.x but not in Mozilla 1.x
intl  - for internationalization issues
dom2 - for CSS and DOM problems
    - for issues that do not occur in earilier builds/versions but
      occur recently.

When you have done all that, click on the [Search] button. A new page
will load, and on it you should see a list of bugs that match your

Wordy. remove the 2nd sentence _______________________________________________ mozilla-documentation mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/mozilla-documentation

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