Skip VerDuin wrote:
Dan Gall wrote:


Pick just one group that best suits your question. Please do not post in them all.


Thanks for the ref.
In reading thru ...unix I believe I got lucky with existing stuff and have the technical answer - no post needed.

For documentation purposes I see that .../get-started.html and .../installation.html cover similar ground.
Get-started seems more clear, installation seems to require interpretation and prior knowledge for it's use.

Is this forum a place where I might submit suggested change to the maintainer for maybe cut-and-paste insertion?
I don't like the idea of elevating this to "bug" status...
Or is documentation done top-down from the software development crew?

Thanks again,

Documentation is done by separate folks, who write in different styles pertaining to their own perceptions/values

I have no idea of what you want to cut & paste into <?> <some document> as you have edited out exactly what you are speaking of. Re-reading your original post has helped, but exactly what do you suggest the documentation say?

As I understand it, getting started was written for neophytes, while the more technically inclined could use installation.html. Some users will not fit in either 'mold' being somewhere inbetween

The basic 'acid test' for any procedure is, did it work afterwards? <g> If you had done it wrong, then more than likely the program would fail at some point and give you error messages. Since you dont mention any error messages then it is likely you did it right <g>

Personally I would suggest NOT submitting publication errors/oversights/omissions as a Bug. IMHO submissions to bugzilla should be true actual software bugs that can be coding errors, but again thats just my view.

You, by posting here about the possibility of some misdirection in a published (albeit online) documentation, have done about the best you can. Now it would be up to the author of that documentation to take note and clarify the matter (if even such is warranted). If you really wish to be helpful you may wish to post in a message your 'suggested' wording that would (in your opinion at least) make the instructions clearer or more concise.

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