On 2004-02-25, Clover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> throwing some stone at the still pond
> http://www.theslot.com/
> finally, a respectable editor agrees with me. Time to change all "web 
> site" to "Web site" on Help and m.o site?

keep your stones to yourself. ;P

http://www.googlefight.com/ says "website" beats "web site" by 141m to
15m.  "e-mail" scores just 22m, while "email" gets 271m.  So usage on the
web clearly favours the shortened forms.  The dictionaries I just checked
acknowledge the existance of the shortened versions.  That article says
"Established publications edited by grown-ups" are holding on to the
original terms - mozilla's website is not an established publication (the
grown-ups part is probably arguable ;)  So I think we're fine with either.

A more serious point would be consistency - there should really be a
consistent usage across the mozilla.org site, but currently we have a mix
of the two (e-mail occurs 4000 times vs email 3400 times according to
google).  But that's not a significant issue compared to many of the
problems with the site :)

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