I've been digging on the Mozilla site and not really getting anywhere
with a few basic questions on embeding:
1) embed-jar.mn, in the comma seperated format I'm unsure how items are
being mapped.  For example:
Where is the "skin/classic/communicator/help.css" being pulled from,
the distribution?  Where is it being directed to in the Embed.jar.
"classic/skin/classic/communicator/help.css", or do I have this
This has me feeling daft.
2) Lets grab a concrete example, lets say I wanted to bring a sidebar
panel into my embeded browser, for example the bookmarks with a chrome
url of: chrome://communicator/content/bookmarks/bm-panel.xul
What should the jar-embeding.mn file entries look like.
3) More advanced question, is it possible to point an embedded browser
at an already existing browsers installed chrome?  Rather than
duplicate the files into embed.jar?

Thanks in advance for helping out, it's been a fustrating couple of
days looking for clarity on this.
Neil J.

mozilla-embedding mailing list

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