Hi embedders!
I'm very happy the day I found Mozilla GRE as Active-X ready for
embedding in my application-development. In my case its wxPython, and I
can swap IE-activex with mozilla.

I post a little story about my last - very interesting - days or
week... maybe inspiring for others where you can go today, and what
hurdles could come up spontanious.

Environment: windows XP pro, python2.3.5, nevow0.6.0, wxPython 2.4.2,

mozilla1.7.12 in two flavours:
- Adam Lock's "Mozilla ActiveX Project"
- original "all-inclusive" windows-installer from mozilla

installing -- registering the active-x -- ready
regsvr32 mozctlx.dll

First impressions are "Yeah! that was easy!"

Unfortunatly I'm squeezing my browser-components to the limit :-)
- AJAX with persistent requests (nevow athena livepages, based on
mochikit library)
- embedded Applets with LiveConnect (netsscape JSObject) to bridge
- using more than one browser instance in my wxPython, like widgets
- talking from python with pyXPCOM to instances to get (for example)
access to DOM

OK... what went wrong (and good):
1- two browser (instances of MozillaBrowser) under one wxFrame, and
only the latter got keyboard-focus on html-input or textareas

2- trying over XPCOM to get the nsIWebBrowser from
nsIWindowWatcher.getChromeFromWindow(...) fails with returning null
(maybe this bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246632).
I want to make a nsIWebBrowser.activate()

3- Bypass for 2- got right COM interface to send a WindowMessage (extra
invitation) to activate focus! But don't ask how long the right
com-fiddling needed... thanks god for sourcecode and interactive
interpreter exploration of COM and XPCOM interfaces with python!!!

4- no problems till now with AJAX and livepage (persistent connection
to webserver) :)

5- Java applet with LiveConnect (import netscape.javascript.*;) don't
work with embbeded mozilla active-x. Cannot get
JSObject win = JSObject.getWindow(enclosingApplet);
Strange, cause same thing works in Firefox 1.0.7, Mozilla 1.7.12 and
actual IE! Only as active-x access with getWindow() breaks. And boy,
believe me... I've read nearly all bugzilla, google-groups and
Java-bugs... no idea where the difference come from

6- to bypass 5- I've swapped mozilla 1.7.12 active-x with mozilla
1.7.12 active-x. Seriously: Adma Locks binaries with official
Mozilla-AllInclusive-Windows-Installer. Different sizes of mozctlx.dll
and others. SUCCESS... the JSObject thing works... WHY???

7- PANIC with last choosen configuration, embbeded Mozilla don't show
any html-input or even textarea field anymore! Lost again. No search
boxes, no textedit in blogs... vanished! Test it: register your mozilla
as active-x: regsvr32 mozctlx.dll, open
http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/mozctltest2.htm in InternetExplorer
and navigate for example to www.python.org. Check it double with a
"normal" browser and you can see a search box right/top... but not in
the embedded version! But you have a working LiveConnect between java
and javascript :-)

Adam Lock's binaries cannot handle JSObject, mozilla.org binaries fails
with html-input/textareas... I have a decision-problem, cause I want
all! So am I.

What is the deeper secret to harmonize this obviously different builded
kids of same mozilla-1.7.12-sourcetree? How to make the right mix of

I have no idea! And till now I have not even touched a compiler to make
any of this things (mozilla, pyXPCOM, Active-X) build by myself... and
I would really appreciate it don't do this in future, too! But hey...
if it's worth!

But as a first resume: I'm not really frustrated. Too much is happened
last days with gecko, xpcom and I'm dreaming of powerful applications
builded upon this. Mozilla active-x brings the power of XPCOM, COM,
XUL, AJAX to python... I love this power!!! Really... I have managed a
much of hurdles (a highlight: communication from pyXPCOM to started
COM-MozillaBrowser instances via nsIObserverService cause they share
the same xpcom.dll, very cool!!!)

But... where is the guru, who has such deep insights, to give me a
hint, where to go from here? I don't wanna stop with it, and I cannot
kick one of my requirements (e.g. textareas or applet/javascript

Thanks for reading, thanks for questions, thanks for feedback. Every
bit can help! Researching of internet-resources, googling and
sourcecode-analysis are come to dead end actually.

greetings from Munich, Germany

This development-story belongs to the http://smartdoccer.org project,
where this things (and much more: Wikipedia, Wordnet, CIA World
Factbook) would be mixed together for a revolutionary writing-tool. And
we are close to first beta.

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