I think I know where this is happening...but not sure WHY it is happening. I'm doing some testing on my skeleton Gecko class and I'm having some new issues with the security modal popups. Here is what I've been able to see:

When I'm on Google and I search for somthing, the normal security popup comes up and I can click cancel and it stays on Google.com. Watching what URLs get loaded, I see after I click the "Google Search" button, it loads the commonDialog.xul, after I click cancel, it doesn't load anything else.

Manually setting the URL through the nsIWebNavigation object with GET info in the URL, I get the same box BUT when I click cancel, the screen just goes blank...NOW looking at the URLs it loads, I see it loads the same commonDialog.xul, but when I click cancel it STILL GOES to the next page...but it displays the page as BLANK.

Here is my theory. With Google.com, I'm submitting the info through a form when I click the "Google Search" button...in my program, I'm setting the URL directly with the parameters already attached to the URL...I'm not going through any form and there lies the problem. The reason I capture that "click" event and send the URL directly is because I build some things dynamically...would not have been as easy through a form. SO...My guess would be to either add a form around my <input> element even though it doesn't submit to it....or...create the form element..dynamically change the forms method/action and let the page submit it "normally". I'm probably just rambling and I hope someone can understand this...I'm not too good at explaining some things LOL. Thanks in advance!

Niky Williams
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