I built MFCEmbed using the release version of 1.5, VC++ 7.1, and it didn't work all that well. I figured I must've missed an obscure build option or two since the same code worked fine in previous versions. Maybe there is a magic option, but here's what I did to get it working:

The 3 problems were a crash, resize painting problems, and no SSL.

In BrowserFrameGlue.cpp

256     if (GetActiveWindow()->m_hWnd != pThis->m_hWnd)

GetActiveWindow() was coming up NULL (which is not unexpected) so I changed the line to this:

if ((GetActiveWindow()) && (GetActiveWindow()->m_hWnd != pThis->m_hWnd)) //can never have too many parens.

The next problem was in this code:

262     // We're the active one
263     //Return FALSE if we're minimized
265     pThis->GetWindowPlacement(&wpl);
267     if ((wpl.showCmd == SW_RESTORE) || (wpl.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE))
268         *aVisible = PR_TRUE;

Changing 267 to the following cured the painting problem:

 if (wpl.showCmd != SW_MINIMIZE)

I didn't think really hard about this, but the behavior seems to match the comment in line 263.

It's been a while since I did this, but my notes indicate that the following code changed and stirred things up.

3373 nsGlobalWindow::Focus()

3379   PRBool isVisible = PR_FALSE;
3380   if (baseWin) {
3381     baseWin->GetVisibility(&isVisible);
3382   }
3384   if (!isVisible) {
3385     // A hidden tab is being focused, ignore this call.
3386     return NS_OK;
3387   }

I also made a cryptic note about nsviewmanager and NS_PAINT but I can't decipher it...

The SSL problem turned out to be a Profile Manager problem. The m_ProfileMgr->StartUp error return is ignored and the app starts up without a profile. I grafted in my own profile code and things worked fine,

The line that was failing was this:


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