Having started this let me end it. The way resolving is used is a bit 
unusual, "looking up" would be better usage and more accurate.  In any 
case it is more user  friendly to use the vocabulary of the user rather 
than the designer.

This is not worth more discussion.



Mama Cass Elliot wrote:

> In netscape.public.mozilla.general the people heard Christian Mattar say
> these wise words: 
>>Mama Cass Elliot wrote:
>>>In netscape.public.mozilla.general the people heard DeMoN_LaG say
>>>these wise words:
>>>>Resolving host means looking up the address.
>>>Then why don't we simply call the process of looking up the IP number
>>>"Searching DNS for IP number" instead of "resolving host"? This will
>>>mean so very much more to ordinary people - ya know, the non-sysadmin
>>Sure... like so much more people know about DNS and IPs than about
>>resolving... :-)
> Yeah, but this would help people to know about these things.
> "Resolving Host" means nothing; but a plain english sentence that says 
> accurately what Mozilla is doing would help people to understand the 
> realities of the internet.
> seeya - wouldn't wanna be ya.
> Mama Cass

Howard M. Stark
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Macedon, NY 14502-9130
Phone:   716.388.7856

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