jesus X wrote:

> Christopher Jahn wrote:
>>And it came to pass that Fabian Guisset wrote:
>>>I don't mean to sound pessimist, but the last few messages
>>>all concern NS4. What should we do?
>>>Like Alex, reply every time that it is the wrong newsgroup?
>>>(quite irritating and boring). Or ignore the poster (and
>>>risking more spam).
>>Gently direct the miscreant in the proper direction.  Or ignore
>>them until Alex or I do so.
> I'm currently working on another technology based on overly broad patents on
> impact based organic weaponry (also known as punches and slaps) that I've called
> WebSlap (tm). I'm currently looking for the first round of venture capital which
> will enable me to negotiate for a larger second round of VC, with which I will
> actually start to create this product. After version 1.0 debuts, and I get a
> third and fourth round of VC, I'll be extending this proprietary technology to
> Usenet. After purchasing an overinflated license for the software, you'll be
> able to send a message to the offending poster, and assuming they've received
> one of our free TheBigHand (tm) components (to be available at K-Marts, 7-11,
> and Adult Bookstores everywhere) and hooked it up to their USB port, the message
> will instruct TheBigHand (tm) to reach out and Slap (TM and patent pending) them
> for posting here.
> And just so this is on topic, right before goes belly up after a
> highly volatile IPO, I'll release all the specs on the net so that an Open
> Source clone can be created to work with the then defunct TheBigHand (tm), and
> then someone will undoubtedly wrap it into a Mozilla Sidebar panel.

Now thats Funny :-)

> --
> jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
>  email   [ jesusx @ ]
>  web     [ ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
>  tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
>  warning [ All your base are belong to us. ]

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