I have noticed before that Mozilla likes to be run once as root on 
initial install. But except for some bad nightly builds I haven't had 
your problem.

I would suggest downloading the .gz version unpacking it into it's 
mozilla directory then placing that somewhere like /usr/local/mozilla 
and point your launcher icon at this parallel installation.

It's all contained in one directory so you don't gain much from the 
package management system.

This probably will leave you with issues with the html viewer in 
Nautilus which I have even with a working install of .9 (debian unstable).

adam in the domain devtty.net

Mike Gifford,http://openconcept.ca wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got a wierd bug with Mozilla .9.  I installed it over Ximian's 
> default of .9
> A couple nice features, but it seemed to actually start to slow down on 
> its way compared to .8
> Then earlier today it just didn't open at all.  I removed the packages, 
> installed the Ximian packages again (without success).
> However when I tried to install the .9 code again I was able to run it 
> from the shell prompt (loged in as root).
> .9 seems to be running much faster than it did previously, which is great.
> However, I get a segmentation fault when I try to load it as a regular 
> user, and as root if I go to the sourceforge site my browser freezes 
> (this has never happened before)..
> Any sugestions to restore my system would be great.
> Mike

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