powerballz wrote:

> Is there any way to fake your browser version like you can in Opera? The 
> problem with doing this though is that webmasters will be getting skewed 
> demographics and continue to force non-standard MS-HTML on us. But on 
> the other hand, if the company is deliberately denying non-MS browsers 
> because of illegal contractual obligations either implied or expressed 
> with M$FT, then there is little we can do by either complying or LYING 
> about our browser.  I'd rather lie than be assimlated with all the 
> sheep, how about you?

user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/9.0 (some OS of your 

Put that in your user.js file in your profile (create it if its not 
present) and edit the agent string as whatever you like, but it takes a 
restart of the browser for it to take affect.

Alex                        <:3)~~

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