let me tell you exactly what i did:
rh7.1 (updated)
mozilla 0.9.2
latest ximian gnome.

i tried using the jre.xpi, unzipping it and making a link in my plugins 
folder.  however, it was buggy and slow (it's not even a jre1.3 release).

SO, i downloaded the jre 1.3 from sun, installed that and linked it up, 
and it was buggy and caused crashes.
SO, i downloaded the jre 1.3.1 from sun, installed that and everything 
works great.

go to http://www.sun.com and download the linux jre 1.3.1

look for a mozilla directory in /usr/lib (if you installed from RPMS). 
you might have several mozilla's in there depending on what you've
installed and how.  you will have to figure out which mozilla is the 
correct one.  the latest mozilla RPMS for 0.9.2 uses the plain mozilla 
if you've installed from Ximian RPMS, then you might see a mozilla-0.9.1 
directory as well (or ones like it).

install the jre 1.3.1 from sun (just run the binary, and it will blow open).
now, in the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin directory, you need to create a link.

ln -s /usr/java/jre1.3.1/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so 
(if you installed the jre in /usr/java)

when you restart mozilla, type "about:plugins" in the address bar.  you 
should see a bunch of java stuff in there.  if you don't,
then you probably put the link in the wrong mozilla directory.

good luck!
Ron McKown

Jorge Kinoshita wrote:

> Hello, It's not an answer; but I am confirming your problem and I also
> would like a solution.
> I saw Mozilla 0.9.1 working with Java very well (from binaries). I
> installed 0.9.2 from source and when it needed jvm, it came as plug-in. Now
> mozilla closes in every page with java.
> Hope someone says the solution.
> grzes wrote:
>>I have installed Mozilla 0.9.2 and Java plugin from
>>ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/netscape6/english/6.01/unix/linux22/xpi in
>>home directory of mozilla.
>>Then I made a link to a library of plugin in plugin home directory of
>>mozilla: ln -s jre-image-i386/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.so
>>Now, my mozilla goes dead when I enter a site which needs javaplugin on
>>the internet. Only mozilla process kill helps me now.
>>My configuration:
>>PIII 850 MHz, 128 MB, Linux RH7.1 with kernel 2.4.2-2.
>>Thank you in advance for any sugestions .
>>My real email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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