"Dan Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Helge Hielscher wrote:
> > Why dont you use the middle mouse button for closing tabs? IMHO it is
> > much more convinient.

> Doesn't close tabs on Windows, and I wouldn't want it to, since it's the
> "open this link in a new tab/window" button.  I'd hate it if I clicked
> just above or below a link I wanted to launch in a new tab and instead
> it closed the one I was browsing in!

Actually, it's as follows:

- Mid-click on a link results in opening it in a new window or new tab
(dependant on settings)
- Mid-click on rest of the page so far does nothing (will probably /
hopefully later on do "auto-scroll")
- Mid-click on tab itself closes it
- Mid-click on empty part of tab bar does nothing (will hopefully open new
tab later on)

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