"jdavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>     I am beginning to wonder what's so difficult about making more
> themes available for this browser

The theme code is still rewritten from time to time, so it makes no sense to
write lots of themes - they won't work in further versions. The XUL API has
yet to freeze.

> and what's so hard about fixing print preview,

Easy: That's low priority.

> and fixing the sorting of History (retaining it),


> and maybe whether it points to Mozilla being poorly written code that is
hard to fix without causing other problems.

I doubt it, but can't comment on it as I don't know its source code. I'm no
C programmer either.

> Also, why does it take like 30 seconds to a minute to load any Java stuff
on most pages?

That's Sun's fault, not Mozilla's. Their plug-in seems to be kinda slowish.

>And why is it when I scroll down a page like the Wall Street Journal, that
it takes a full second pause between each screen as I am paging downward or
>  www.wsj.com (need to be subscriber)

I'm no subscriber so I can't test it. Maybe too much DHTML usage?

> I cannot offhand think of another website that behaves like that but there
are plenty.  Why has my Realplayer worked on certain pages before, but no
> works despite the fact that I've left the plugins folder untouched as I
keep trying the new builds?

Could you be more specific: when did it work, since when doesn't it any

>     I try most every build as they come down the pike and these issues
stay the same.
>     Anyone else getting annoyed by problems like this?

No. Not these. And look at the version number, we're still 4 months away
from final 1.0.

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